chang le princess weiyoung

In trying to frame and get rid of Wei Young, Li Chang Le and Li Meng Feng (her brother) use Zi Yan to steal a flood relief plan drafted by Wei Young for Tuoba Jun. For more details and ‼️ spoilers ‼️, below is my episode guide with next to my favourites —. And Li Wei Young gave his mother a piggyback ride! the third is a staged suicide (Wei Young’s apparent motive is that she has a country-side lover), Tuoba Jun has her back, saves her and openly declares that he loves her. Tuoba Yu is the creepiest fucker I’ve ever seen displayed on television. Watch here with Eng sub. All the actors/actresses are so hilarious. Perfect. Revenge is amazing material to work with. Chiyun Rou. If the drama had made any of them stupid in order for us to hate them more, I would have thrown my laptop down a cliff. Makes sense. novel wei young is like mei chang su but can also act like an innocent young lady (faking it), can also be cruel to her enemies but still rootable and justified since the people she faces in the novel were out to destroy or kill her (so eye for an eye). The emperor plot line needed to be trimmed. For breaking my heart entirely and then scattering the remains. And Li Wei Young gave his mother a piggyback ride! If it was not for Tuoba Yu being so heartless with everyone (even with Weiyoung) I would surely not complain if she ended up with him at the end. Posted on November 15, 2016 November 16, 2016 by -- lydia. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. 10/10 would date. But like Chang Le, Chang Ru comes to see Weiyoung as a threat, and as a result, targets her for her machinations. I decided to find him in a role that was kinder and more human. So in the next lifetime, she made a promise to never do good deeds and help others, to never step into the palace and to never become the Empress! I thought this was gonna be a comedy like Oh My General (awesome rec, but you were right as usual. There was a lot of emphasis placed on what a good relationship should be. Only that the protagonist isn’t Tuoba Jun but a fictional princess of a defeated state — a princess who is known as Princess Wei Young. Tuoba Yu hopes to use Wei Young in his effort to become Emperor which is the start of a secondary love triangle — Li Chang Ru is in love with Tuoba Jun who loves Wei Young. They blindfold, gag, and plug his ears, and start to spin him around continuously. Over the course of Arc 2, Wei Young becomes close friends with her adopted cousin Min De and Li Chang Ru. Tuoba Yu to cover his tracks uses Chi Yun Nan (yup, he is back) to kill an entire clan. I was hoping that Chang Ru and him would have a happy ending eventhough she was blinded by obsession. Meant wish they did less suicide and deaths in love stories. Release year: 2016. Solo aquí podrás antes escuchar música online, y después bajarla sin problemas, evitando que tu pc, o móvil inteligente, se llene de archivos infectados. Evil! All is not sunshine and roses, it is revealed that Wei Young took the only antidote and Tuoba Jun is dying. She would generally be considered an awful human being by most decent people. Beautiful, intelligent, adorable. Li Chang Ru tells Li Chang Le that the Crown Princess overheard her scheming. Tuoba Jun confronted Chang Le and she finally admitted to killing his mom out of hate. Xin-er seriously injured passes out but is found and cared for by … Wei Young. It looked like he was missing a limb. Every time one of the antagonists did something cunning enough to hurt Li Wei Young, I wanted to poke them. I mean, once the relationship is happily rolling, then it’s honestly amazing, but it seriously throws you off when two strangers suddenly excitedly declare themselves sisters for life. Does she ever tell Tuoba Jun she is the northern Princess and mask as Wei Young. It bored me so much I skipped 65% of the show). Originally seemed not entirely Chinese, then the discovery was made that the actress is a quarter Russian. Last Episode: With the deaths of the whole household of a high official, everyone helped to investigate the case and find evident to connect this event to Tuoba Yu.. Despite the fact that if I had to rate it then I would only give it a 7.87/10, I still absolutely adored watching this. This drama was too long and far too sad would have liked a bit more humour or light relief subplot (Minde and Di )and they should have lived happy ever after . And by kinda, I mean very. Tuo Ba Han (TBH), also known as Dong Ping Wang. A generally useful trick to differentiate between obsession and love is, if you’re willing to stab your crush’s mother in order to get him, you’re probably obsessed. Makeup, set design, and music were fantastic. I love you. It was very mesmerizing. After what seems like at least two decades, Xin-er’s father returns for his mother’s birthday. The Princess Weiyoung (锦绣未央) / 2016 – Li Chang Le There Will Be Fireworks (‎花火) / 2015 – Wei Wei Ban Shu Legend (班淑传奇) / 2015 – Kou Lan Zhi Cosmetology High (美人制 … For me Tuoba Jun and Weiyoung were my favourite caractères followed by Minde and the young very endearing princess Di .yes Tuoba Yu was interesting but at the end I can’t tolerate wickedness . His acting was the best!!! It was a scarring experience. Wei Young once again outmaneuvers her and proves her innocence; the second is trying to expose Wei Young as not being the real Wei Young — which for once is true. She’s one of those ladies that just seems to transcend the act of taking shits. you may be right about tang yan not being able to play the novel wei young. The Princess Weiyoung (锦绣未央) / 2016 – Li Chang Le There Will Be Fireworks (‎花火) / 2015 – Wei Wei Ban Shu Legend (班淑传奇) / 2015 – Kou Lan Zhi Who knows. Ending Recap: Princess Weiyoung. Jun Tao also returns. However that does not stop her and she tries again to frame Wei Young — using an aphrodisiac to get Tuoba Yu and Wei Young together — again she is exposed and is sentenced to death. ChangRu sent a letter to ChangLe and the two evil sisters met up. Bai Zhi. Oh, and Li Min De, but I wasn’t overly fond of him or his weird little side plot. ( Log Out /  It’s very good exercise. I love how hateful the villains are. Chang Le and Chi Yun Rou are still trying to kill Wei Young (trying and failing about 50 times wasn’t enough). Other more unpleasant revelations include Changru’s conniving and malicious nature. Her husband loved her stepsister, deposed her as Empress and even forced her son to death. This show reminds me of Game of Thrones the Chinese verison and I couldn’t real get into GOT as much. Who also happens to return from the dead, like, eleventeen times. BUT THANK YOU FOR POSTING AND WRITING THIS REVIEW!!! How do their faces not get puffy? Thanks for writing this, I agree with you on everything you’ve mentioned. Tang Yan (Li Wei Young) and Luo Jin (Tuoba Jun) are actually dating in real life. Did you like it? Kisahnya diangkat dari novel ciptaan Qin Jian yang berjudul The Poisonous Daughter. Even though Chang Le wanted to become empress, that was very clearly unimportant compared to getting Tuoba Jun, considering the fact that she completely forgets about empress by the end of the drama. This gives Wei Young the opportunity to clear her name and expose Chi Yun Nan’s crimes. A vicious, petty, jealous girl with eyebrows that, for some unfathomable reason, flick up at the end. Especially when Li Wei Young is silently listening to Tuoba Jun’s physician tell him his time is up… That was the most beautiful ugly sobbing I’ve ever seen in my life. After Li Mein Feng and Chang Le were shamed in front of the Emperor, Min Feng is out to destroy Wei Young. But Princess Wei Young I loved the show!! It was a dumbass idea to take a hairstyle from black people and hand it over to an ancient Chinese dude. Tuoba Jun left her poison and told her to kill herself off. A side-story/sequel, The Song of Glory, aired in 2020. Li Chang Ru (CR), the third sister of the Li family. ( Log Out /  Pierced right through with a sword? And then when he had that neck crack before exploding or calmly giving ultimatums…. Are people in this time period blind or something? As in, I was cringing so hard my face broke. In that Cold Palace, she was forced to drink poisonous wine. Learn how your comment data is processed. An amazing antagonist. The bearer of this news of course is Tuoba Yu who dies after shielding Wei Young for an attack by Chang Ru —  Chang Ru kills herself to die with Tuoba Yu. Though, if I’m being entirely honest, the first time I saw Luo Jin with short hair, I nearly had a heart attack. But this can be forgiven because then the world decides to throw a temper tantrum and stomp them into the ground. The emperor plot line needed to be trimmed. Ultimately, the assassin successfully kills Wei Young but before she dies, Wei Young tells Xin-er to get revenge on her legitimate mother (who happens to be from the same family which killed Xin-er’s family) and to care for her birth mother. Episode 49. Could the young Emperor Han and Changru son fight over Minde and Princess Di – who can have a daughter) Plot may not be as good. Princess of the Northern Liang, Feng Xin’er escapes an assassination attempt which claims the lives of her entire family. Which really makes you consider the questions… Do they cry every single take? Life is unpredictable. I never understood exactly what they liked about each other, just that they did, for some odd reason. Emperor of Wei. Ultimately, their machinations result in the death of Min De’s mum — who is poisoned by Chi Yun Rou, she had also sent assassins to kill Min De — and poisoning the Prime Minister. Bai Zhi. Tuoba Yu releases Tuoba Jun after Wei Young agrees to marry him although by this stage Chang Le and Chang Ru have poisoned both Wei Young and Tuoba Jun with the same poison. Thank you for bringing your light and general awesomeness into the drama. Not to mention Li Wei Young saves Tuoba Jun a couple of times. Title: The Princess Weiyoung # of episodes: 54. But they could have just ended on the scene of them getting married and writing what happened. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Will probably re-watch , did u try Yanxi Palace? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I highly recommend “Autumn Concerto”. Wei Young is the daughter of the Prime Minister to the Emperor of the Great Wei and his servant. 1. Changru — who has become crazed and obsessive —  is obviously not thrilled as she had worked incredibly hard to frame Wei Young. Although Chi Yun Nan returns he is too late to save Chi Yun Rou (his aunt) who dies from the poison she ingested in episode 16 in an attempt to frame Wei Young. This will honestly just be a long-winded ramble about my feelings. And Tuoba Yu definitely had mental disorder from being abuse as a child. ( Log Out /  This makes me especially sad because these are such good female villains. Wish they did suicide and deaths in love stories. Episode 49. Has one of those Evil Stepmother voices. In Arc 3 true identities and intentions are uncovered. Chang Le visits TBJ in prison, and he glares at her for betraying him. [Recaps] Princess Weiyoung 錦綉未央 – Ep 3. 12. LWY noticed that JT is wearing a skirt. Min Feng, Chang Le, and Zi Yan are punished for trying to frame Xin Er. Later on, they start taking care of each other so well that you can’t help but accept the fact that, clearly, they’re in love with each other. Instead, Changru gets played and her treachery is revealed — I was just glad that Wei Young finally realized that Changru was not on her side. Like, seriously. Feng Xin Er’s family is pretty brutally murdered. Wish Luo Jin had a Facebook or Instagram page to follow. I think by the end of the show, she only had Jun Tao left from her loved ones. Anyways… this arc starts with a couple of filler episodes chronicling Wei Young’s time in the laundry department and dealing with being framed (again!) I can’t forgive those fucking cornrows. The two leads are honestly the most beautiful people I have ever seen. But Weiyoung will stay my favorite foreverrrr haha. But i enjoyed his character! Jun Tao (Xin-er friend and maidservant) disguises herself and leads the Chi-yun forces away from Xin-er giving her a chance to escape. The rebellion that turns the tide in favor of the the good guys doesn’t leave much room for conflict and what remains is a finale chock full of emotional goodbyes. Wei Young returns to the manor (shocking everyone) and discovers Tuoba Jun is in fact the Crown Prince’s Son and the Emperor’s favourite — this means that Tuoba Jun is connected to the Empire that destroyed her family. Maybe i’ll feel different. Would be interesting if Changru mom rised Changru and Tuoba Yu son to hate and kill Tuoba Jun and Weiyoung’ son – who’s now the emperor. Tuoba Han as punishment is stripped of his title and confined to his manor — goodbye Tuoba Han. To see that palace drama play out. Upon his release, Tuoba Jun joins forces with Minde and launch a rebellion. Ming De snuck into the back palace of Tuoba Yu’s house to steal military secrets. (Now i can go back and watch thank you again for writing!!). After everything that happened, the ending was an amazing ending. ChangRu sent a letter to ChangLe and the two evil sisters met up. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. She is saved by a country girl called Wei Young who happens to be the illegitimate daughter of the Prime Minister to the Northern Wei. I had to research the actors to get some peace. The whole time Tuoba Jun is tormenting Li Wei Young by pretending he doesn’t love her… Would it have killed him to tell her secretly so that she didn’t have to feel his loss so strongly? The product of an awful, awful design decision, with the unfortunate implication that cornrows are equivalent to evil. Watching this drama was a poor life decision. Another big no-no is assuming that obsession is love. If they’d made it happy, I wouldn’t be going through this emotional torment right now, but hey, my emotions come second to a good ending.”. The only vaguely acceptable one was Chiyun Rou, who wanted her daughter to become empress, and so she wanted Li Wei Young out of the way. Despite her impending execution she is more upset that Tuoba Jun doesn’t believe she had nothing to do with his mother’s murder. So in the next lifetime, she made a promise to never do good deeds and help others, to never step into the palace and to never become the Empress! In order to fulfill her promise to Wei Young, Xin-er assumes her identity and finally (after an arduous journey) enters into Li Manor. Chang Le watches, conflicted. Princess Wei Young (锦绣未央) is a palace drama loosely based on Tuoba Jun’s rise to power during the Northern Wei Dynasty. In that Cold Palace, she was forced to drink poisonous wine. Chang Ru wants Tuoba Yu, and only Tuoba Yu, and she will murder you if you get in her way. This show was good. I Googled the actors and apparently Weiyoung and Tuoba Jun are happily married irl. I’m so unintelligent. Li Wei Young / Feng Xin Er. I want to marry you. This show is stupid. I Googled the actors and apparently Weiyoung and Tuoba Jun are happily married irl. It really makes me uncomfortable to think that the hairstyle black people wear was put on an evil character to make him look “more evil.” Despicable. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Feel free to skip. If you can accept that, the short sub-plots and fast pace make it engaging and enjoyable, particularly if you are looking for a palace drama with a romance/love triangle typically found in Cdramas. Like. The Princess Wei Young, Chang Ru's (Mao Xiao Tong aka Rachel Momo) song [LONGER VERSION, ENG SUBBED]Enjoy! Am currently bawling. Chemistry antara dua tokoh utamanya dapet banget yang… While the production value and acting/voice dubbing is of a much lower standard than newer versions of this story, there is a simplicity and innocence to this version, which make it a little different and in some instances more pleasant to watch. And then because Wei Young is such a lovely person, his mother was slowly won over! Tuoba Jun announced Tuoba Yu as a traitor, punished Chang Le as a slave, and awarded grandma and Weiyoung’s mom. In both scenarios, she fails to blame Tuoba Yu, who pursues Weiyoung in an extreme case of one-sided love. And it is those attributes which form the basis of Princess Weiyoung — just in a sympathetic way. She was honestly the cutest character ever, with her dopey little smiles and her playful teasing and her wailing sobs, just. It’s something of a miracle that she hasn’t gone on a rampaging murder spree to avenge everyone that she’s lost. I just watched the first few episodes. That romance between Li Wei Young and Tuoba Jun was kinda cheesy at the beginning. This is the last straw for the Emperor who exiles Li Min Feng. It gave me warm fuzzies inside. She blames Weiyoung, first for “bewitching” Tuoba Yu, then for rejecting him. Li Wei Young and Tuoba Jun found the evidence for Tuoba Yu’s involvement the original Crown Prince’s death really easily. A vicious, petty, jealous girl with eyebrows that, for some unfathomable reason, flick up at the end. Especially adding the episode numbers!! Beautiful. Loved it!!! After 4 days!! She also soon becomes her grandmother’s favourite and solidifies her relationship with her ‘mother’. Not sure if it’s historically accurate to let them hug each other, but who cares. He goes and find her and sees her crying over her mother's death. He puts a hand on her shoulders to comfort her. Episode 29 Li Xinai Luo Jin Rachel Mao Recap Summary The Princess Weiyoung Tiffany Tang Vanness Wu Jun Tao (JT) finds out from Prince Gao Yang’s bodyguard that he had the intention to marry Li Chang Le (LCL) instead of Li Wei Young (LWY) and confronts the prince. But never fear! Could somebody translate the theme song into English please. He has since been an ally/admirer of Wei Young but is now in a strange relationship with Tuoba Di. Episode 46. In doing so, they execute him and hunt down both Xin-er and her grandmother. Thank you for writing. Princess of the Northern Liang, Feng Xin-er’s mother dies at childbirth. Like, how dare they have fun while I’m wallowing in misery. After absorbing the fifty-four episodes in just a couple weeks, I’m now suffering from withdrawal, so now I’m writing down my feelings to get over myself. Fighting her true feeling, Wei Young is cold toward Tuoba Jun who only grows to love her more. I love how after Wei Young’s revenge plot was pretty much carried out, they shift the attention over to the battle for the throne. I love them . Hugs are nice. I hate them and love them at the same time. The personalized lantern date. Tuoba Yu killed Chang Xi and started choking her mom. The way Tuoba Jun peeled the tangerine for his dead mother was really cool. His character in the final episodes ofPrincess Weiyoung caused me such stress. That’s exactly why i came to this site. Prime example of Jerk, a rare species only found stuck up pretentious fuckers’ assholes. When she lost Bai Zhi, I broke down crying, because watching Li Wei Young sit there in misery was heartbreaking. And yes obviously WeiYoung is there while they do this. Next Life is a song for the drama Princess Weiyoung, starring Tiffany Tang and Luo Jin. I was like I can’t waste this much time . A lot happens in this arc — my favourite of course is when Wei Young finally accepts her feelings for Tuo Ba Jun and they become an official couple. And that it’s very sweet. Last Episode: With the deaths of the whole household of a high official, everyone helped to investigate the case and find evident to connect this event to Tuoba Yu.. Chang Le smirks that she is going to be a princess, once the new Emperor ascends the throne. Despite quickly establishing herself in Li Manor, she is poisoned by Chi Yun Ru (literally her third/fourth attempt at killing Wei Young) but once again encounters and is saved by Tuoba Jun. Tuoba Jun. Without a choice, Weiyoung… I confess that I’m not much of a fan of maniqueist stories, where people are totally bad or totally good, and I found that Tuoba Yu was the most interesting character among them all, even kind of redeeming himself at the end, just before criticizing Tuoba Jun for doing the same as he ends up doing, which is *SPOILER* sacrifice himself to save the one he loves. This is even after Wei Young identity as Princess of the Liang is uncovered (in episode 14), facing the Emperor’s disapproval (episodes 30) and surviving Tuoba Yu attempts on Tuoba Jun’s life (episodes 25 and again at 31). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. They know when to be sad and when to be happy. In one of his violent outbursts he kills Zi Yan. I have to mention how amazing it was that Tuoba Di, the young princess of Great Wei, despite her jealousy for Li Wei Young, took care of her anyway because that’s what Li Min De wanted her to do. This isn’t so much an actual con point as a serious declaration of my confusion. What a ballsy move. However, he takes out his anger on Zi Yan who is now living with him as she is pregnant with his child. They employ three different methods (all of which fail) —. Generally when you’re upset to the ends of the world and back, you cry and you don’t look pretty doing it. A princess of Liang is born in the time of the Northern and Southern dynasties. Once that’s accomplished, she moves on to help her dear Tuoba Jun kick his uncles’ asses so that he can ascend the throne and save the kingdom from having a disgusting and calculating dick as their emperor. Sad SpoilerThe Princess Weiyoung (Chinese: 锦绣未央; pinyin: Jin Xiu Wei Yang) NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. Honestly, amazingly intelligent leading women were the highlight for me. I wouldn’t recommend going into this drama expecting logic or a particularly strong female lead — Wei Young is quite passive and often acts defensively rather than preemptively (unlike her drama successors). Her goal is two-fold – get revenge on the Chi Yun Family and to care for Wei Young’s mother. Just. This was such an awesome c-drama, best I’ve watched ever! That ending made me furious (and a teary). I can’t believe the show had the guts to use that ending. I found this show on Netflix and binged watched 24 hours of it in 2 days. He retrieved himself by protecting Weiyoung from Changru sword attack and showing he was just in love with Weiyoung as Tuoba Jun . The Princess Wei Young (锦绣未央, Jǐn Xiù Wèi Yāng, meaning roughly "Splendid Wei Yang") is a 2016 Chinese series starring Tiffany Tang and Luo Jin.It's loosely based on the novel The Poisonous Daughter by Qin Jian, and even more loosely based on historical events. Seriously, Li Wei Young lost nearly everything. I’ve already started watching other Chinese dramas but I am sure that I’ll never get over The Princess Weiyoung. He just needed to love the woman that loved him back. Jun Tao, Wei Young’s loyal bodyguard. My second favorite character! An amazing antagonist. So, yeah, let’s begin. Tuoba Yu in response  kills his father, crowns himself Emperor and imprisons both Wei Young and Tuoba Jun. Anyways, WeiYoung tries to take a grab for it before they see the face, so the siblings roll it up and decide to see it at a later time. Her husband loved her stepsister, deposed her as Empress and even forced her son to death. I hurt so much after Tuoba Jun,s death. Have you watched the Story of Minglan? Li Chang Le. Also an amazing antagonist. Viciously. A ruthless monster. But that doesn’t make sense because he’s Emperor and he could banish and kill him … eventhough Tuoba Yu son is still royal blood. Again Wei Young is able to expose the true culprit, Tuoba Han. Thank the heavens. LCL questions why LCR would warn her, and wonders if she also likes Prince GY. [Recaps] Princess Weiyoung 錦綉未央 – Ep 38 & 39. ... Chang Le then steals the thunder as she reveals an extravagant version of her Bai Xiu Tu. I really enjoyed the movie but was upset with the ending. ( Log Out /  He rebuts that she knew he was never interested in her, and she orders the guards to start. With Chi Yun Nan out of the picture (temporarily), Wei Young and Tuoba Jun now only need to defend themselves against Tuoba Yu, Tuoba Han, Changru and Changle (a much shorter list than we started with!). What I liked about the show is that it's quite nicely paced - there is mostly something that happens every episode. She had been sent away at birth to the country because she was deemed to be ‘unlucky’ (something about her birth date and astrology) and was also the result of the Prime Minister liaison with a servant (now his 7th concubine). Human lives are mere fleas in her way. And we’ve already established that I would date Li Wei Young, if I were a few years older. ( Log Out /  Whoever made the decision ought to slap themselves. It sort of makes you stop and consider all the little moments you see in the show, and how much of it is actually acted. It was that typical “girl loves butterflies” and “man falls in love nearly immediately” and “let’s give our wedding vows now!” sort of thing. LMD and the Princess try to fight, and luckily the Rou guards comes to their assistance and they quickly leave. Chi Yun Nan however is killed (by Tuoba Yu) after Tuoba Jun apprehends him. Buat kamu pecinta historical drama, The Princess Wei Young bisa jadi rekomendasi bagus. Oh, poor Chang Ru, even her mother agrees: “Ugh the hate! Like, I know he wanted to convince the people around him he didn’t love her, but why would he do that to. I thought this was gonna be a comedy like Oh My General (awesome rec, but you were right as usual. It bored me so much I skipped 65% of the show). It was obvious from the start that she was in love with Tuoba Yu but seeing him falling in love with Wei Young makes her jealous and vindictive. Just finished watching Princess Weiyoung. [This for entertainment purpose only ] Although “Wenming” literally means civil and understanding, she was ruthless and vengeful. Part 2 – if ever one. Although I wasn’t thrilled with the ending and would have much preferred a Story of Ming Lan styled ending, I take refuge in the fact that Li Wei Young and Tuo Ba Jun got together in real life. It gave me feelings. Li Chang Le is not a rootable character but in the hands of a more capable actress (someone like Yang Rong perhaps ) she maybe pitiable or understandable. The Princess Wei Young (2016) - Full Cast & Crew - MyDramaList It so happens that Wei Young is being called back to Li Manor by her grandmother. I’m serious when I say there’s nothing wrong with having a character who only wants a partner, but when almost all your major female villains are like that… Yikes. This was a pretty great storyline. Princess Wei Young (锦绣未央) is a palace drama loosely based on Tuoba Jun’s rise to power during the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was played during Tuoba Jun and Li Chang Le’s wedding in episode 37. Chang Le realizes her jade is fake (remember the switcheroo during the bath scene) and somehow Chi Yun Ruo somehow derives from this that perhaps Princess Xin Er isn’t dead because there was no way Li Ming Feng could have been able to tell between the princess … It gives the show a continuous sense of purpose. Just finished watching Princess Weiyoung. The Flame’s Daughter | 烈火如歌 | Chinese Drama | Review | Episode Guide, My True Friend | 我的真朋友 | Chinese Drama | Review | Episode Guide, Arc 1 | Episodes 1 – 3 | Princess Wei Young, Arc 3 | Episode 18 – 36 | No more pretending , Arc 4 | Episode 37 – 54 | Emperor of the Northern Wei. Wei Young wakes up in an unfamiliar place, and Chang Le comes to visit her. I live in the US. Speaking of crying, I appreciate the existence of ugly crying in this drama. The show kinda…leaps straight into relationships without any basis. A fucking bastard. Tuoba Yu honors his bargain with Tuoba Jun and saves Wei Young. In the end, Chi Yun Nan (who killed Wei Young’s father) returns and saves Chang Le. Originally seemed not entirely Chinese, then the discovery was made that the actress is a quarter Russian. The actors were filming in freezing weather for some episodes. December 17, 2016 Anne J. If you like a crush, and they don’t like you, and then you attempt to murder.

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