does god want me to end a friendship

Please pray for me, for him, for us. I am at a stage where I am learning to love myself and God again. The idols speak deceitfully, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. I always felt he complained about me or told them everything I confided in him. Despite all this, I know I have to keep going and persevere – because if I don’t, I honestly don’t know how long I can keep going. It’s been a year and you did well by using the time to focus on yourself. I was hurt with God and with him. However he become aware that the new person of which she was dating was a bit higher up in comparison to the previous abusive boyfriend in the local community tied in with drug use. Ask the young man WHAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE? And I did pray to God i said “Lord, if he is not the one, please don’t let him confess his feeling towards me in any way. Her dating advice and relationship advice is faith-based but practical and sourced from her own and other people's life experience. The below Bible Verses have been quoted from the Life Application Study Bible (NIV). He’s compromised his morals and values in attempt to become a compromise of who he is in combination with traits of which he deductively reasons are the only things that he can think of that she is getting from the relationship she’s currently in and the abuse of one prior to which she was not privy to in the relationship with himself. Wow …. When you will leave your best life and love yourself so much, God will open up the gate and you will find your person. Did your ex have a relationship with God? I can resonate with it so much. This is God working through you to tell you to move on. Anyway, thats my story, that God removed him because of my disobedience and it seems that i will pay for my mistake forever. God confirmed many many times. It just happened and he dropped into my lap. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this quote wasn’t talking about real love but it was talking about superficial love. I would never speak to anyone about it I was just honestly curious if his current girlfriend knew. Anyway I developed feelings for him and he would always say he could see a future with me. These signs from God aren’t always loud and abrupt, so at first you might not even be noticing them. If you resonated with them, then chances are that they are the reason why God took away a relationship. Your email address will not be published. We were each other’s first and everything. I am currently going through a similar thing, would love to know how things went after 2 years. So before you ask yourself if God wants you to get back with your ex, ask yourself if the relationship was godly, healthy, and empowering. His response? All I wanted was marriage with a happy ending. It still hurts that he walked out on Us but each day I rejoice as Gods Blessings have been poured upon me and my children in all areas of our lives hes a Good good Father hes always with Us. Which is very difficult because I wish I could be reconciled knowing that I would love him better now that I have wisdom and new understanding on what love is, what it looks like, how to receive and give love. Things ended on the 21st of December, I saw him on Christmas day, but it was bad. But I don’t think it’s healthy to focus on the temporary’ part. If both og you keep God in the center of your lives, everything else will fall into place. A godly relationship will only work if you discover God’s true love for you. Within the umbrella of marriage, however, you are protected from attacks of the devil. Ive often heard that when you go to Heaven and arrive at one of the many mansions, you get your room and your room is filled with everything you’ve ever wanted and so I imagine God opening the door for me and seeing my ex standing there, smiling, wanting me. If you have been following me for a while, then you know I love sharing inspirational quotes. And if you need help with the next step, feel free to check out my 1 on 1 coaching course ‘Becoming The One to attract the one’. Thanks so much…….i know it will be painful letting him go but i want to do what’s right and honour God…..Thanks….God bless you for this post. Oddly last night, I read Luke 12:22-31 which seem to hold a similar message. Thanks. thank you so much for sharing. He was there for a period so that you could get to this point of getting closer to God but the relationship was not the reason/final destination. However over recent months her and I have been talking again to which we never discuss him and I have recently seen her put my own arms around her and know that his accusations are false. Hey Rebecca, I’m so glad you took the first step to breaking the soul tie between that man and yourself. Then one day he says he don’t. Thank you for sharing this question with me. I idolized my girlfriend way more than god. Thank you 🙂. Truly ask yourself where your faith lies and do the hard work of believing in God’s goodness for your life! He too is struggling with life and finances. It seems so easy for other people to meet new people, but not me. Letting go of toxic friendships and although I’ve tried to go back…it just no longer feels the same. Within three weeks my first meeting them I played a large defining role in aiding her successful Escape and avoidance for successfully getting away from that man. God should be the foundation of your relationship, and you should be excited to get to pray, go to church, and do devotions with your partner. I thought I’m ready to pursue a relationship after what I felt like being healed, however, the second man came into my life but with another form of abuse. But then, this feeling inside me getting stronger and love him more everyday. I been having the feeling that God wants me to move on from my relationship of 17 years. Today feminism has really taken over unfortunately which makes these kind of women now just very awful to meet. Yh very true….the same was my case. I told my sister and she said she had a dream that I told her I’d broken up with my boyfriend a few days before, she has been known to have godly dreams in the past. God has changed me a lot since the breakup and I thank Him daily for it. So much time, energy drained into each other it wasnt healthy it wasnt peaceful like it should have been. I wasn’t thinking it was going to effect my last relationship. I told my boyfriend and he is super supportive about the changes, I basically moved out, he has been praying himself and has come to Christ. And all his efforts have failed, so he resorts to befriending the single females in which he knows she has close friendship to or frequence more over than myself because we grew apart there for a while in effort to cross paths display newly common interest and open-mindedness on his behalf in effort to obtain information about what she’s doing where she’s going who she’s hanging around and so on and so forth as well as seed bad gossip into those circles against her current boyfriend. I’m a man and read this I believe that I didn’t understand true love Idk if it’s cuz I grew up in a broken home but I know that when I got with my ex in 2009 we ended officially on 2018 we have 3 precious boys It hurts me to read this because I honestly think I wasn’t in a relationship lead by God I worked all the time and never gave her the love she deserved ,( I wasn’t the best at anything and didn’t really put effort because I thot she loved me and I loved her) after a while she may have felt unappreciated and cheated on me she confessed and after being hurt for a while I thot of MY mom and dad how they broke up and how I FELT when I was a child I didn’t want that for my sons so I forgave her and tried to make it work .after that I feel the rest of the relationship was forced ,it breaks my heart that I hurt her but I feel she wasn’t right for cheating I understand God wants us to forgive but there was too much pain ! Often our isolationist society offers only vague, empty relationships. I felt a certain freedom and have continued to go on living my life for God. Hi Justine, He said he felt I lectured him like a child and wouldn’t let him do what he enjoyed. After 5 years of dating, you should not have to prove yourself! I believe you need to do what is best for you and not be friends with him. I know I’m unattractive, overweight, below average and I had come to terms with it – I had no desire to put myself out there and was happy to go through life how I was. Exactly a year after the break up i was in such a good place that I reached out to him. It’s hard for me to let him go, but when we were together everything was beautiful. One thing is that I’m blessed with brilliant intuitions and have never been wrong .i realized he wasn’t in love with me after seeing this but with this women and was waiting for this woman and as soon as she would say yes to him he was gonna dump me. I’ve been going through a painful break up and this was the only article that has really helped me and brought peace to the situation. Step back and ask yourself whether you need a break or a full-on break-up before you act rashly and unnecessarily damage a friendship. I love God with all my heart and soul!! Thank you again! Overall, if you are unable to find a shred of peace in your relationship it’s a sign God isn’t approving of your relationship. I believe my ex and I were compatible and my ex said the same thing about us, except he couldn’t allow himself to fall in love because of this belief. He was at that stage an acquaintance and I never had any feelings for him. It’s hard and painful, but looking back it will probably turn out to be the best. My relationship to a wonderful man ended and I believe God allowed for it happen because I didn’t know love. I know God is up to something good in my life! The first thing he always asked when he messages or calls me is have I seen or heard from her lately to which, whether I have or have not, I always evasively reply with not recently or some like- intended response. There were times when he constantly wanted to see me amd times when he didn’t even bother to text me for days. You and your boyfriend keep having sex. It was a good one, which made me a better person. But a part of me is still confused. I challenge you to think of all the good things in your life that did happen, rather than the break-up. After over 2 years, I am learning again about God’s plan and how it unfolds. Which I didn’t understand since we were long distance and he was spending his weekends gaming and from like 12 to 1pm weekdays till like 10 or 11pm gaming. My purpose for this site is to help women attract and maintain a godly relationship, by teaching self-love, mastery of the mind and confidence. As your protector, God is always looking down on your relationships from the start. I got closer to God, felt His peace washing over me, refusing to let me be sad. I’m sure he thinks I’m crazy but I know I’m not. Please I need you advice, this has been giving me sleepless nights,how should I handle this issue? They may start off as a situationship and later on evolve to a committed relationship. I pray for your strength and hope in Christ in this challenging time. We both are Christians and I do know that I didn’t go into it with good intentions. If you still aren’t sure if this relationship is in God’s favor, simply ask Him. He’s got so many issues with his work and also family. That relationship made me believe even more in the goodness of God, but after breaking it I have so much less believe in Him. As someone who has a track record of getting into the wrong relationships (before I was serious about my walk with God), I can now honestly say that a lot of times I was in it for the wrong reasons. It’s frustrating to know that God has something better planned when you can’t see it yet. In short, I can’t seem to move on no matter how hard I try. I have really been struggling getting over my abusive partner. It’s now 40 years and she’s still there through 3 failed marriage s. Going through a horrible time right now. Dear Lili, I am so sorry you are going through that pain. I also asked God to confirm that this guy is my man. And if he just wants friendship you have to set boundaries, so that you can protect yourself from falling for him. My spouse walked out 4 months ago from 19 years…. He is 11 years older than me. This; along with pressure from his parents, siblings and one of his daughters wanting to marry me I think caused him to shut down. Yet nothing, it feels like I’ll end up regretting this if I go on with it. So I took a risk and went along with the flow. How does one get over being so alone? My trust is gone in them and they’re no longer #1 on my list to call first. This man is so stubborn, and though he is Christian; he tends to get into his own head to the point where I am worried he ignores God’s voice. It breaks my heart, and idk why. This should be a huge red flag for dating Christians. We started talking and praying together and reading Christian books and we both encourage each other in our Christian walk. Thank you for sharing this article. Below are some common reasons why you might choose to end a friendship: 1. I will pray for you to find joy again and hopefully love, but then HE is LOVE and HE will never leave you or forsake you. Bringing me peace and drawing me closer to him. ANSWER. Waiting for the Lord’s timing is not always an easy task, but don’t stay in a relationship out of fear of being single. Why? I will pray for you. When this man came into my life, I thought God had different plans for me and I was willing to open my mind and accept the unknown despite how terrified I was. I Have a friend who went back to a guy who had so many things wrong but due to her need to feel love. Me ex thinks he left me but I believe God removed him! But to be honest, I did cared for him. God warned both of us. Allo your ex-boyfriend time to think about the relationship and you, so that he can make the right decision, after all, you do not want to be with someone that does not love you back. I can be stubborn sometimes haha! I easily fell into the trap of idolizing relationships – even friendships. The small, limited, and worldly meaning of love used to describe a relationship between a man and a woman. He is Christian, and has brought me closer to God and into his church. He still has many things here that he keep saying he coming for but when he do come he only takes a couple things and go, but you can see he misses me. Pls let me know what u think of this , and what these words I felt mean also whether stalking is it that bad if the profile is public anyways to get answers? Consider what the Bible has to say. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Beliefnet’s Partners, From time to time you will also receive Special Offers from our partners. Thank Your, Great Post with amazing photo, I have been in a relationship for about 6 years now, he loves me a lot and has never changed. Justine, Hi Menesty, this situation sounds very tricky and I understand that it must have been heartbreaking. And I agree, sometimes a break-up pushes us even more into the arms of the heavenly father and makes us understand that his Love is the one we really need and can rely on. I prayed before we getting closer, i said ‘Lord, don’t me fall for any guy if he is not the one.’. GOD BLESS…..Psalm 37:4. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. God’s ways really are better than our own 🙂. I keep on getting messages that my breakthrough is on the verge of manifistation. It describes a very basic human desire to love and be loved. on the other hand, I feel. I believe God put him in my life for this lesson. Love & Light. God stopped the relationship and im left feeling deflated and disappointed and sad but i trust God and know that His wisdom is far more than mine can ever be. I’m open to negative or positive feedback. God answered my prayers ringing us reconciled under the potent circumstances of something evil seeking to destroy us. He Dnt ask me anything about my past or any deep questions which I found weird but after praying God still Dnt take him away so I Dnt look at it as a red flag. I’m glad this article helped. So I’m still waiting for God’s Yes???? That includes having sex with him. I’ve been quite forthcoming with my ability to let him communicate his feelings in their entirety. It hard to understand but I’ve realised that it’s the truth and it’s Good because it has really made me lost track of myself as well. I met a guy, he is my classmates and I never thought that he will like me. I noticed on one of his games his brother was speaking to his ex girlfriend while his current girlfriend was at work and he was at home taking care of their special needs son. We dated and recently broke up due to him pursuing the purpose that God gave him. I do believe that sometimes God will use a breakup to help you grow. I was in a relationship, to seek for love that only God can give. But a year after we got back together he broke up with me out of nowhere. If God did it for Adam in the Garden of Eden, then there is no reason that He would not want to do … He kept rejecting my desperate attempts to salvage the relationship, which in turn just made me more miserable. I guess our task now is to see if we can glorify God together because that’s what marriage is for. I leave it to Gods hands and ask prayers from my soul and my heart. The relationship ended years ago but I was still thinking about him. I have been struggling as to why since he has always been very good to me. It still hurts knowing that both my father and my old lover are no longer here but the Lord keeps His promises and will bring that special person He has for me. Yes that sounds like the relationship that I was in over a year ago. Because I still hadn’t moved back to where I had put in my transfer, it was an online “relationship” for about 3 months. It is only your sin of fornication that allows Satan – your enemy – to terminate your relation. Erin. Friend, if you’re struggling in your marriage right now, there’s no one who can tell you when you’ve done enough, when you’ve endured enough, when you’ve exhausted all your options to save it. It was just us, in a room, looked like a basement, but we were just hanging out, enjoying each others company like the good old days and we were in love too. Your article gave me confirmation. He left because he said he couldnt handle long distance relationship and i felt my response back then was too immature or else we could still be friends. Hope it does…I don’t want to be confusing. Pls email me cause I don’t know again am confused. I’m sorry you are going through that. I truly can see why God would says no and that my ” YES” is coming soon and like most things that contain love, I should be patient and wait on him…after all God’s time is perfect timing all the time!!!! Well we tried pushing for almost a yr till I finally told him he could stop if he’s stop if he wants to cause I too could understand. Now this, Hey Pile, I’m sorry to hear that. Prayerfully, this breakup will lead to healing and a greater relationship with God. Distance: You've grown apart in terms of interests or commitments. It hurt for the first couple of months. May angels of the Lord’s love surround bless and carry you always. These reasons are often if not always built upon lies far from the truths that we fall in love in the first place. I repented and asked God to heal my relationship with thia man. I did feel it was as is I believe he was right to say I’m not Christian enough, even though I fought him hard on this judgement. I do not know why to do . I take to prayer and ask you lift up both my lady and myself to rely and unite trusting God over circumstances and situations plotted to deliberate means to end us and in such causing greater heartache that I have ever felt. We kept trying to keep talking and knowing each other going on and off buh he couldn’t ask me out or date me properly cause of the huge distance. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you Justine. I finally learned that my past relationships failed because I’ve idolized that person and the relationship rather than God. I saw that as the way I needed to live my life, in Christ. If you’re in a toxic relationship, it’s up to you to change it! Be blessed.Justine, Hi there Hey Stella, I am having this kind of problem as well.. I had a yearning and loved that about her. Does that make sense? Just my fleshy desires. They betray your trust. So there where days I loved life and days I just hated life respectivly. Use the word of God to analyze a situation first, before you use ‘signs’ you prayed for. It’s been 3 weeks since the breakup, and I strongly feel that God wants us to continue to be together, but waiting is the hardest. This man is truly amazing, so kind and loving. :), Your email address will not be published. I’m adding you to my newsletter manually now 😉. My dating and relationship advice advice is faith-based but practical and sourced from my own and other people's life experience. We daily deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him (Luke 9:23). with God by my side each and every day I know he will bring the right relationship into my life! Or is he leading me somewhere else. God wants you to be in a relationship that glorifies Him, and this can be hard to do when half of the couple doesn’t believe in Christianity. I want to try and not so that he and I can be together but for my own relationship with God. Sometimes even questioning if they did abuse me. This is a girl i never cheated on. Also I don’t believe in coincidences, and this stuff has been on my mind for weeks. You just inspired me to write about it and share my situation. I was in a relationship with someone,we prayed together and loved each other,although temptation sometimes which led to kisses and touches although no sex,we had to be in different parts of d country for some reasons, I started getting detached cos of a new guy who was showing love and I got distracted.later I wanted to focus on the relationship then I asked my boyfriend some sensitive questions about us but wasn’t pleased with his reply, I got angry and wasn’t ready to hear him out.In between,I once broke up with him for no tangible reason and its cos I m easy to make rash decisions without thinking and even when I say i want a breakup, I don’t really mean it.we went apart for months.i ve been trying to get us back but he is tired. God has it in control. It does not envy, it does not boast and it is not proud. He told me he has a shy problem. I need to maintain a godly relationship,but my boyfriend keeps on having sex with me, we’ve broken up severally on this issue and it seems consistent . I was in a relationship with a man I work with for almost a year. It’s not hurt me as much as it did when I went through my first heartbreak. But im full of pain an God still gave me the answer. I believed that I was incapable of loving any man. And now the message from God says TOTAL SEPARATION. This one can be hard to spot, because we are often blinded by love. Reading this now I realize that no matter how much I tried to focus on God I still idolized the relationship more. Hello Justine, I totally agree with “Most of us spend our lives trying to find love, trying to live in love but dying without ever truly discovering love”. Hey Paul, thank you for sharing. Both of our Christian live changed and we depended on each other for joy and happiness. Take responsibility. I had no doubt that it was God that brought us together (there were a few other signs and instances that I won’t go into). Love & Light. Everything is contrary to the love God told me about. I need to put God first in my life, to only worship His name. Problems from every angle rose against the relationship. I was confused and unsure what to do so I would ask “why aren’t you calling me?” “why aren’t you seeing me?” And so forth… He would say he was busy with work, or school, or his mom. I hope this is God saying “not right now”, for this man to heal fully from his past relationship and the demons that come with it, while we can’t see each other anyway. Maybe you attended a sermon recently about healthy couples that you couldn’t connect with, or you had a friend tell you how God is lifting up their relationship and you don’t feel God is doing the same for you. I’m also convinced that that might be his only purpose and then the relationship will be over and I’m terrified because it’s the first healthy relationship I’ve been in in forever . So right now after reading 3 reasons why God break up relationships I come to understand that it is very much possible that God has terminated my relationship because maybe He saw that it has taken my attention from Him (God and the kingdom) unto my relationship with my fiance. Any answers on this guys? I’m happy you can relate to it, even in your marriage 🙂. I guess I’m not sure if this was what God was telling me to do or I’ve mixed it up some how because our relationship is not toxic and we’ve both said we would leave each other if we truly believe God was telling us to so we know we aren’t idolising each other. I was so disappointed that i was the one being attacked by him instead and I felt so exposed to his family and friends. However I had a miscarriage and while I was pregnant it felt off. I then met a Godly man after that. Ended that relationship without hesitation but much prayer and therapy. Continuously praying for clarity through this rough situation, but your post comforted me. One thing you can do is to pray for God to separate the spiritual bond/ soul tie you have created with your ex. This post contains affiliate links. I’m glad this article helped you. in painful agony of what we both know and feel. "Every relationship involves compromise, even friendships, but if your values are too different, it may be time to end the friendship … Since then he has been praying that is me he wants. I may be a fool for hoping but I’m tired of being strong and pretending I’m okay when I’m clearly not. He goes to the same church as me (different campuses at least so I hardly ever run into him) but he keeps wanting to be friends with me. Earlier this year, My father passed away and girl I loved and cared for very much broke up with me. I admit I’m a novice when it comes to relationships and I had been “man-free” for more than a decade – I was very content with single-hood until this man came into my life whilst I was on vacation. COVID hit – which didn’t allow us to see each other and suddenly (3+ months). May God bless you and Happy New Year!!! From past experience, be it relationships, or not, I have seen God say no, simply because He had better plans in store for me for the greater good. After he broke up with me, I felt a sense of relief washing over me, almost liberating and I could finally sleep properly since being in the relationship. His plan isn’t perfect; Why would He destroy the most wonderfull things in life? According to the Oxford Dictionary, infatuation is: ‘an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.’, ‘patient, kind. He would game more hours than work. I fully understand the emotional roller coaster. Hi Justine Due to the state of her health post break-up from the abusive boyfriend she got in very poor health-wise manner in due to his extensive knowledge of her health issues he was reached out to to help get her to the emergency room and Urgent Care and after care options. I am writing this comment with tears of joy. Hi Justine Good luck! We were just start as a friend. But I gave myself to Christ. However, I’m a little confused. It may be something in her life that’s going on and it’s not you personally. If you haven’t subscribed yet I will remember to send you an email directly 😉 You is the miracle the Jesus longs to be a miracle soon. He gave his life to Christ a year and a half prior to us meeting. I’m still praying to God if He can give me my relationship back. End the friendship in person, directly. Hi Faith, I can imagine that this is a very hard place to be in. Idolatry is something we are repeatedly warned about in the Bible. I hurt Him and myself. Honesty is always a Good Choice If you are ready to end a friendship, be open and honest. This quote is taken from a chapter in Leo Buscaglia’s book “Love: What Life Is All About”. We had an incredible relationship, respectful, loving – everything you could hope for a relationship to be. Hi Justine, my current partner is Christian and I wasn’t. Thank you for sharing Ashleigh! We are both currently 24. As anyone with less vendetta and hatred would not do such and move forward as we are trying to do, yet turmoil seems to trap at each turn and ut is nerve rackingly uncalled for where lawful offices had to get involved and do little to cease the antics of it all. He has no children but is very active in my boys’ lives . If we put our relationship with God first the rest of the relationships fall into place. The miracle of her coming back is just part the miracle. It made since. Until now, recently I fell very ill. still to no avail the loss of kids in this heavily contested divorce are lost. Erin. still haven’t reconciled with him til this day ….. wow . I am going through a similar situation. He has a better plan, he has a better choice for us to take in the future. I woke up crying and I thought to myself, “I’m tired of being strong, I miss him.” I’m in tears as i type this now. The praying and asking God to get wya back together and the whole nine yards of your story was mine …. However, I am a Christian. I don’t know if they all influenced him to leave a girl who doesn’t want him gaming all day because that is all they seemed to care about. God bless you. To this day I remember how much pain I felt after my last breakup. Don’t sacrifice what you know you need in a relationship. I really do not have that urge on needing date anymore and its such a relief because I’m able to enjoy my single life. Living life on auto pilot was all I was doing but something happened in the first 3 months of the breakup.

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