the impossible dream gender equality

Gender equality in modern conscious world is truely possible…but the key to is not competing on each others strong points but rather put them together to built a better world. I wear hats. I’m tired of being expected to pay for women who make more than I do every time I decide to take some one out somewhere nice. Equal means equal at all times, not just when being “equal” benefits you. I do not understand what you mean by equality. And I believe it is the fundamental right of each female to be equal to men. They are also much happier societies as a result of these equalities. It will take some will to replace that everywhere. According to a … This should definitely be a priority in the overpopulated nations. Gender equality is not a ‘women’s issue’ – it’s good for men too | Julia Gillard Read more The bottom line is that gender inequality is a choice countries are making, not an inevitability. When women are publicly punished or slaughtered for their protests and other women do not “en -masse” appear on the streets in protest they succumb and support inequality. You cannot just take averages of all wages like these myths do. While universal gender equality may still be a long way off I personally feel that it is enevitable because, like racial equality, it works to everyone’s advantage. Women are less happy than they were forty years ago–perhaps because the women’s movement HAS benefited men more than women. Not impossible, but sadly, improbable, I think. I would love to see equality, as a man I am fed up of being treated (and portrayed in the media) as some second class bumbling oaf. I was raised by strong parents who instilled in me the value of women as equals. To quit the field because we can’t see the victory, means there is no chance for choice. Sorry, these tried old biology arguments have had their day – may I refer you to Ann’s post. In an ideal world, intrinsic factors such as race or gender would have no bearing on a person’ s position or pay. I believe it boils down to what we call “ego”; and the “ego” of most men is more fragile than that of a woman. Greetings, But knowledge is power and taking all these aspects into account, ‘respect’ is the basic tool to work with when assessing gender equality. If people want to vote for a woman for president, they will, but there should not be a requirement that a President be female. which is no problem if the female chooses to wear it, just as it is no problem if the male elects to drop out of school and work at MacDonalds. He stated that women have equality and just don’t appreciate the choices we have. And not all women are “pro women’s rights”. The video takes a “wry humorous look” at a problem faced by women everywhere: the double-workload of a full-time job and being a housewife. the entire thing reciprocal, eg. Women, and virtually every other black man in America still lack true equality – and equality must be considered in social and political terms, not biological or theological – but it is not and must not be an impossible dream. OOps, sorry, got carried away: equality of opportunity implies the potential for equality of outcome. Although Baseball is viewed as an American sport, internationally, it is estimated that 500,000 girls and women are playing the sport across the world, as supported by the International Baseball Federation. If I phrase a question like this, a lot of people get very nervous and angry and will emphatically answer “NO”!! If women have to stay home with children in the US because they have hospital bills for childbirth or the high cost of childcare, it seems to follow that there will not be equality of opportunity. And also another example of non gender equality in the west would be an issue discussed a couple weeks ago on here I believe, should non mothers get maternal leave too? In aforementioned nations women can rise to high positions and even become head of state (and they have), but that means they can only spend little time with their children and a lot of women simply don’t want that, so they work less hours, consequently get paid less and reach high positions less often. Until there is legislation that pushes equality, for example: enabling men to take paternity leave, and making daycare more available, thus allowing women the choice to return to work after having children, there is no equality. It is sad to realize that the fight for gender equity will continue indefinitely–but it will continue–and that should give us all hope that a fairer world is at least possible. However, these differences should not be used as a reason to discriminate against one generate. However, women in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc in a nutshell in the whole middle east will not be equal for another 100 years, that’s a century plus from now. I was raised by a saint of a mother who always taught me the following: “Just because I want the right to vote and equal pay for equal work doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be treated like a lady.”. We compliment each other as equals and strive to show our sons that everyone is equal, no matter what their sex, color or religion. I get treated differently based on what gender people assign to me. Group A has enjoyed long-standing unfair advantages and consequently its members hold most … Sex is free for men, but women still become ensnared if there is any fallout (i.e. Our behaviors rule us on this decision, and because how we treat each other is subjective, the possibilities are endless. It may not matter much whether you are man or woman or even a member of the royal family. -A lot of false sexual harrassment claims are made, and even if discovered, few are prosecuted So does 10 + 10=20. I had to register for the draft. Now I am living in Saint Louis, U.S. and see the gender gap is much bigger than most developed countries. Are we debating the equality of human rights, the right of belonging, the right of equal pay. Man is man, woman is woman, who should be equal to who, and why? A woman can be just as good as a man but it’s impossible because women want to be treated equal but once they are treated as equal they start to complain that they are girls/women and should not be treated that way. #9. before it can happen societies is have can thier idiology and thoughts about women and their roles in society…. Women have to take time off work in their pregnacies and still do the lions share of childcare. Women are more than equal. With fewer babies to be reared them there would be less conflict as to who should spend the time rearing them. If you or one is optimistic of the possibility of men and women riding neck to neck in all aspects of life except child bearing it will happen in less than two and half decades. diversity. As long as education and health welfare ramain out of reach (corruption) for the majority of members of society, social inequalities and other disadvantages are going to be the norm and social welfare will remain a pipe dream. when kids are involved I found that the women consistantly designed better buildings and complexes and I feel it was due to the fact that they pay more attention to the details that help you appreciate the design better. As of this post 53% of the people who voted on this think gender equality is not possible. Categories and tags: Achievements. I have lived in a community seeing it work and function beautifully in New Zealand. This does put a lower number of women in the job market less. Naturally, their makeup is their enemy. As a new mother I feel I am fighting for equality against men but also against other young women who do not have spouses or families. Have they considered that many women perhaps have other views on how the country should be run and defended? Gender equality is every bit as impossible as the dream that the United States could ever elect a black president. To be honest with you, I think that in the years to come gender equality will be realized, but we (the entire world) need to work on it at the present. @ viola The numbers are sobering: People born in the 1940s had a 92 percent chance of earning more than their parents did at age 30. This change should come from within. That’s why drinks promotions are not inequality, whilst career issues are. Today, in the US, there are models in every field… not necessarily paid equally or treated equally, but the models are the first and most important step, because concrete models encourage more and more women to follow their interests and talents… and sooner or later that number will hit critical mass to level the playing field of salary. I agree with them it’s for those who have the vote to see that all are treated equal. Women will always be woman but not men. But biologically it is not possible. then it is clear the only way anything like this will ever happen RE “” Is the idea that men and women can have equal opportunity in every part of their lives fundamentally flawed? Societies that have become less patriarchal (once the norm the world over – with a few exceptions) can call on the talents of all of their community, not just half, and they are bound to be more successful on that score alone. It’s not. They’re often defensive if it’s suggested that they themselves promulgate sexist attitudes. I think the very phrase “equally important roles” is nothing more than a euphemism for exploitation through enforced roles. The people who think I’m a man make no comment on those things. Dream the Impossible. But they have terrible battles with personality changes due to hormones, which is not there fault its just genetics. Unless we evolve into an androgenous species there is no chance, even then there would be the dominant and the passive just as now. Motherhood has been relegated to another (often less dignified) lifestyle choice among many, when it is, in fact, a latent quality of our womanhood. You’re not wrong Elina, the story’s being carried on news sites and blogs in most countries. If people want one, they will vote for one. I think gender equality a realistic goal with time and hard work. It’s hard to think that people on earth will one day become unisex in every aspects of life. The empowerment of women could raise their farm productivity by 20-30% and ultimately lift some 100-150 million people out of hunger, according to the U.N. It is something to be striven for and the campaign must never cease! However, over time and with hard work women suffrage was obtained and today the struggle continues to make it better for all in other works of life. We need to convince the masses that fewer offspring would be beneficial not only to gender equality but for the carrying capacity of the planet itself. I am quite capable of opening a car door, hate driving the horrible thing, but can get in and out on my own, likewise I can manage to place my behind on a chair without help. Gender equality becomes an impossible dream when both men and women refuse to engage with each other. Equality of what. Well you have to consider the ratio between how many women vs men are actually opting for a job with a majority of women choosing to stay home and be the homemaker. On air: Is gender equality an impossible dream? But many others suffer from the lack of infrastructure, public services and social protection that affect their rights and well-being. The video has become a popular advocacy and training tool on awakening women and men to gender issues in society that affect the family, workplace, and community. We need to temper our egos long enough to realize that if we don’t slack off producing offspring, we will outreach the planet’s carrying capacity and then mother nature will weed some of out for us. After that, when I was no longer able to put in long hours and give my undivided attention to my work, my career faltered. This is not necessarily the case. Sometimes though, it gets easier to get a big job if you are a man, especially with vacancy advertisements saying that women and people of ‘lower-caste’ or noted down as ‘indigenous’-ethnicity will be given preference. Of course we have underlying sexist and racist issues to deal with! Western society is structured in ways that still funnel girls toward certain roles and careers. However any government big enough and powerful enough – Women can make statements about men, but in reverse it results in prosecution Not that men are not. – Womens studies departments in almost every university (there are no mens studies departments) – divorce courts rule in favor of women, esp. why should every one waste their time with duplicating the effort? We could debate it all day, all night, and likely for the next months and years. “The Impossible Dream” is an award-winning animated video produced in 1983 with a timeless message.

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